
EditAction is an action with edit identifier, intended to open an edit screen for a selected entity instance. If the edit screen successfully commits the instance to the database, then EditAction updates this instance in the table data source.

The following specific methods are defined in the EditAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify entity edit screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is quite often required to open edit screens in another mode (typically DIALOG), you can specify openType attribute with desired value in the action element when creating the action declaratively. This eliminates the need to obtain action reference in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
          <action id="edit" openType="DIALOG"/>

  • setWindowId() allows you to specify entity edit screen identifier. {entity_name}.edit is used by default, for example, sales$Customer.edit.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set edit screen parameters, passed to its init() method.

  • afterCommit() is invoked by the action after the entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterCommitHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterCommit() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private EditAction customersTableEdit;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableEdit.setAfterCommitHandler(new EditAction.AfterCommitHandler() {
            public void handle(Entity entity) {
                showNotification("Committed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);

  • afterWindowClosed() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the edited entity has been committed or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterWindowClosedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterWindowClosed() to avoid creating the action subclass.