6.6. License File Usage

The platform is shipped with the cuba.license free license file, available in the root of the classpath. The cuba.licensePath application property points to it by default.

If you have purchased a commercial license, you can use it in the application by one of the following ways.

  1. If you are going to use the application within one organization, or you have an embedded license, include the license file into your application distribution. Add the license file into the core module source code folder. The file name or path should be different from /cuba.license:


    Configure the cuba.licensePath application property in the app.properties file of the core module:

    cuba.licensePath = /myapp-cuba.license

  2. If you are going to use the application in different organizations, you have to obtain a separate file for each of them. In this case you can place the license files into configuration directories of the installed applications:


    Set the cuba.licensePath application property in the local.app.properties file:

    cuba.licensePath = /myapp-cuba.license