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CUBA Platform. BPM subsystem
CUBA Platform. BPM subsystem
Version 5.6
Copyright © 2015 Haulmont (
Table of Contents
1. Preface
1.1. Target Audience
1.2. Additional Materials
1.3. Feedback
2. Quick Start
2.1. Creating the Project
2.2. Creating the Data Model
2.3. Standard screens creation
2.4. Creating Business Logic Beans
2.4.1. ApprovalHelper Bean
2.5. Creating the Database and Running the Application
2.6. Creating the Process
2.6.1. Creating the Process model
2.6.2. Process Model Deployment
2.7. Adapting Screens to the Process
2.7.1. Contract Editor Screen Layout
2.7.2. Contract Editor Controller
2.7.3. Localized Messages File
2.8. Working With the Application
2.8.1. Creating Users
2.8.2. Creating the Contract and Starting the Process
2.8.3. Controller Validation Stage
2.8.4. Manager Approval Stage
3. Data Model
4. Functionality
4.1. BpmActivitiListener
4.2. Process Roles
4.3. Start Process Form
4.4. User Task
4.5. Task Outcomes
4.6. Transitions Depending on Task Outcomes
4.6.1. Flow Order
4.7. Script Evaluation
4.8. Middleware Beans Methods Invocation
4.9. Completing a Task by Timer
4.10. Localization
4.11. Submodels
5. Main Services
5.1. ProcessRepositoryService
5.2. ProcessRuntimeService
5.3. ProcessFormService
5.4. ProcessMessagesService
5.5. ModelService
6. UI Components
6.1. ProcActionsFrame
6.2. Process forms
6.2.1. ProcForm Interface
6.2.2. A List of Forms for a Process Model Designer
A. Application properties
Target Audience
Additional Materials
Quick Start
Creating the Project
Creating the Data Model
Standard screens creation
Creating Business Logic Beans
ApprovalHelper Bean
Creating the Database and Running the Application
Creating the Process
Creating the Process model
Process Model Deployment
Adapting Screens to the Process
Contract Editor Screen Layout
Contract Editor Controller
Localized Messages File
Working With the Application
Creating Users
Creating the Contract and Starting the Process
Controller Validation Stage
Manager Approval Stage
Data Model
Process Roles
Start Process Form
User Task
Task Outcomes
Transitions Depending on Task Outcomes
Flow Order
Script Evaluation
Middleware Beans Methods Invocation
Completing a Task by Timer
Main Services
UI Components
Process forms
ProcForm Interface
A List of Forms for a Process Model Designer
Application properties
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