2.1. Project Configuration

  1. Run CUBA Studio, go to Open project > Samples window and download the Library project.

  2. Open the Library project in Studio.

  3. Open the project properties window (Project properties -> Edit) and activate the workflow project in the Base projects projects list. Save the changes. Studio will prompt to recreate Gradle scripts. Choose "Yes".

  4. Choose Run -> Deploy. At this stage, the application will be built and deployed to the Tomcat application server located at build/tomcat.

  5. Create the application database: Run -> Create database.

  6. Launch the application server: Run -> Start application server.

  7. Open the application web interface at http://localhost:8080/app. Log in to the system by entering the username admin and password admin. The main menu should include the Workflow option that provides access to Workflow subsystem management screens.

  8. Choose Build -> Create IDEA project files in Studio and then open the project c:\work\library\library.ipr in IntelliJ IDEA.