
AddAction – action with add identifier, intended for selecting an existing entity instance and adding it to the collection. When triggered, opens entities lookup screen.

The following specific methods are defined in the AddAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify entity selection screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is often required to open the lookup screens in a different mode (usually DIALOG), the openType attribute can be specified in the action element, when creating the add action declaratively. This eliminates the need to get a reference to the action in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
            <action id="add" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify entity selection screen identifier. {entity_name}.lookup by default, for example, sales$Customer.lookup. If such screen does not exist, attempts to open {entity_name}.browse screen, for example, sales$Customer.browse.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set selection screen parameters, passed into its init() method.

  • setHandler() allows you to set an object implementing Window.Lookup.Handler interface which will be passed to the selection screen. By default, AddAction.DefaultHandler object is used.