4.8.2. Extending Screens

The platform supports creating new XML descriptors by inheriting them from the existing ones.

XML inheritance is implemented by specifying the parent descriptor path in the extends attribute of the root window element.

XML screen elements overriding rules:

  • If the extending descriptor has a certain element, the corresponding element will be searched for in the parent descriptor using the following algorithm:

    • If the overriding element is a view, the corresponding element will be searched by the name, class and entity attributes.

    • If the overriding element is a property, the corresponding element will be searched by the name attribute.

    • In other cases, if the overrinding element has the id attribute, the corresponding element with the same id will be searched for.

    • If the search is successful, the found element is overridden.

    • Otherwise, the platform determines how many elements with the provided path and name are contained in the parent descriptor. If there is only one element, it is overridden.

    • If search yields no result and there is either zero or more than one element with the given path and name in the parent descriptor, a new element is added.

  • The text for the overridden or added element is copied from the extending element.

  • All attributes from the extending element are copied to the overridden or added element. If attribute names match, the value is taken from the extending element.

  • By default, the new element is added to the end of the list of adjacent elements. In order to add a new element to the beginning or with an arbitrary index, you can do the following:

    • Define an additional namespace in the extending descriptor: xmlns:ext="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window-ext.xsd".

    • Add the ext:index attribute with a desired index, for example: ext:index="0" to the extending element.

In order to debug the descriptor conversion, you can output the resulting XML to the server log by specifying the TRACE level for the com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.XmlInheritanceProcessor logger in the Log4j configuration file:

<appender name="FILE" ...
      <param name="Threshold" value="TRACE"/>
<category name="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.XmlInheritanceProcessor">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

Below is an example descriptor of the ExtUser entities browser screen:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
      <groupTable id="usersTable">
              <column id="address" ext:index="2"/>

In this example, the descriptor is inherited from the standard User entities browser of the platform. The address column is added to the table with index 2, so it is displayed after login and name.

If you register a new screen in screens.xml with the same identifiers that were used for the parent screen, the new screen will be invoked everywhere instead of the old one.

<screen id="sec$User.browse"
<screen id="sec$User.lookup"

Similarly, let us create an edit screen:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
      <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup">
          <column id="fieldGroupColumn2">
              <field id="address" ext:index="4"/>

Register it in screens.xml with the identifier of the parent screen:

<screen id="sec$User.edit"

Once all the abovementioned actions are completed, the application will use ExtUser with the corresponding screens instead of the standard User entity of the platform.

Screen controller can be extended by creating a new class that is inherited from the base screen controller. Class name is specified in the class attribute of the root element of the extending XML descriptor; the usual rules of inheriting XML described above will apply.