Default Values

You can specify default values for configuration interfaces properties. These values will be returned instead of null if the property is not defined in the storage location – DB or app.properties.

The default value can be specified as a string using @Default annotation, or as a specific type using other annotations from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.defaults package:

String getAdminAddress();

int getDelayCallCount();

int getDefaultSendingAttemptsCount();

@Default("2013-12-12 00:00:00.000")
@Factory(factory = DateFactory.class)
Date getDateProp();

@Default("1 2 3")
@Factory(factory = IntegerListTypeFactory.class)
List<Integer> getIntegerList();

@Factory(factory = StringListTypeFactory.class)
List<String> getStringList();

Default value for entities is a string of {entity_name}-{id}-{optional_view_name} type, for example:

User getAdminUser();

Role getAdminRole();