Edit Screen

Edit screen is designed to display and edit entity instances. It initializes the instance being edited and supports actions for committing changes to the database. Edit screen should be opened by the openEditor() method passing an entity instance as an argument.

For standard actions to work correctly, an identifier of an edit screen inscreens.xml should have the format of {entity_name}.edit, for example, sales$Customer.edit.

Edit screen controller should be inherited from the AbstractEditor class. The datasource attribute of a screen’s XML should refer to a data source containing the edited entity instance. The following standard button frames in the XML can be used to display actions that commit or cancel changes:

  • editWindowActions (file com/haulmont/cuba/gui/edit-window.actions.xml) – contains OK and Cancel buttons

  • extendedEditWindowActions (file com/haulmont/cuba/gui/extended-edit-window.actions.xml) – contains OK & Close, OK and Cancel

The following actions are implicitly initialized in the edit screen:

  • windowCommitAndClose (corresponds to the Window.Editor.WINDOW_COMMIT_AND_CLOSE constant) – an action committing changes to the database and closing the screen. The action is initialized if the screen has a visual component with windowCommitAndClose identifier. The action is displayed as an OK & Close button when the mentioned above standard extendedEditWindowActions frame is used.

  • windowCommit (corresponds to the Window.Editor.WINDOW_COMMIT constant) – an action which commits changes to the database. In absence of windowCommitAndClose action, closes the screen after committing. The action is always displayed as an OK button if the screen has the abovementioned standard frames.

  • windowClose (corresponds to the Window.Editor.WINDOW_CLOSE constant) – which closes the screen without committing any changes. The action is always initialized. If the screen has the abovementioned standard frames, it is displayed as Cancel button.

Thus, if the screen contains an editWindowActions frame, the OK button commits the changes and closes the screen, and the Cancel button – closes the screen without committing the changes. If the screen contains an extendedEditWindowActions frame, the OK button only commits the changes, OK & Close button commits the changes and closes the screen, and the Cancel button closes the screen without committing the changes.

Instead of standard frames actions can be visualized using arbitrary components, for example, LinkButton.