5.8.1. Getting Localized Messages

This section covers ways of getting localized messages in different application components.

  • In screen XML-descriptors, component attributes for displaying static text (such as caption) can address localized messages using the rules of MessageTools.loadString() method. For example:

    • caption="msg://roleName" – gets a message defined by the roleName key in the message pack of the current screen. Screen message pack is defined by the messagesPack attribute of the root window element.

    • caption="msg://com.company.sample.entity/Role.name" – gets a message defined by the Role.name key in the com.company.sample.entity message pack.

  • In screen controllers, localized strings can be retrieved in the following ways:

    • From the current screen message pack:

      • Using getMessage() method inherited from the AbstractFrame base class. For example:

        String msg = getMessage("warningMessage");
      • Using formatMessage() method inherited from the AbstractFrame base class. In this case, the extracted message is used to format submitted parameters according to the rules of String.format() method. For example:


        warningMessage = Invalid email address: '%s'

        Java controller:

        String msg = formatMessage("warningMessage", email);
    • From an arbitrary messages pack via an injection of Messages infrastructure interface. For example:

      private Messages messages;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          String msg = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "warningMessage");
  • For components managed by a Spring container (managed beans, services, JMX-beans, Spring MVC controllers of the portal module), localized messages can be retrieved with the help of the Messages infrastructure interface injection:

    protected Messages messages;
    String msg = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "warningMessage");
  • In application code where injection is not possible, the Messages interface can be obtained using the static get() method of the AppBeans class:

    protected Messages messages = AppBeans.get(Messages.class);
    String msg = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "warningMessage");