Service Call by GET Request

Request format:

  • s - the current session identifier.

JSON or XML with the description of the method call is passed in the request body.

JSON format

The Content-Type header value is application/json.

  "service": "refapp_PortalTestService",
  "method": "updateCarVin",
  "view": "carEdit",
  "params": {
    "param0": {
      "id": "ref$Car-32261b09-b7f7-4b8c-88cc-6dee6fa8e6ab",
      "vin": "WV00001",
      "colour" : {
        "id": "ref$Colour-b32a6412-d4d9-11e2-a20b-87b22b1460c7",
        "name": "Red"
      "driverAllocations": [
          "id": "ref$DriverAllocation-b32e43e8-d4d9-11e2-8c8b-2b2939d67fff"
          "id": "NEW-ref$DriverAllocation"
    "param1": "WV00001",
    "param0_type": "com.haulmont.refapp.core.entity.Car",
    "param1_type": "java.lang.String"

Properties of the passed object:

  • service - the name of the service called.
  • method - the name of the method invoked.
  • param0 .. paramN - method parameter values.
  • param0_type .. paramN_type - method parameter types.
XML format

The Content-Type header value is text/xml.

<ServiceRequest xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/restapi-service-v2.xsd">
        <param name="param0">
            <instance id="ref$Car-32261b09-b7f7-4b8c-88cc-6dee6fa8e6ab">
                <field name="vin">WV00000</field>
                <reference name="colour">
                    <instance id="ref$Colour-b32a6412-d4d9-11e2-a20b-87b22b1460c7">
                        <field name="name">Red</field>
                <collection name="driverAllocations">
                    <instance id="ref$DriverAllocation-b32e43e8-d4d9-11e2-8c8b-2b2939d67fff"/>
                    <instance id="NEW-ref$DriverAllocation"/>
        <param name="param1">WV00001</param>
        <param name="param0_type">com.haulmont.refapp.core.entity.Car</param>
        <param name="param1_type">java.lang.String</param>

The main elements of the passed document are:

  • service - the name of the service called.
  • method - the name of the method invoked.
  • param - the value of the parameter method or the parameter type. The name of the parameter (name attribute) must have the format param0 .. paramN or param0_type .. paramN_type.

If a service has a single method with the specified name and number of parameters, explicit parameter type definition is not required. In other cases, parameter types must be specified.

<param> element may contain both plain text (for setting primitive type values) and nested <instance> elements for entities or <instances> for entity collections.

The XSD of the request is available at http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/5.6/restapi-service-v2.xsd.