
Logout can also be performed by either GET or POST request.

GET request

To perform login using GET, construct the URL {host:port}/app-portal/api/logout with the session parameter containing the current session ID obtained by calling login.

For example:

POST request

To perform login using POST, send request to {host:port}/app-portal/api/logout URL, passing JSON (Content-Type header has the value application/json) or form (Content-Type header has the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded) in request body.

Example of the JSON format:

  "session" : "64f7d59d-2cf5-acfb-f4d3-f55b7882da72"

Example of the form:

session: 64f7d59d-2cf5-acfb-f4d3-f55b7882da72

The service will return status 200.