Support for Other DBMSs

In the application project, you can use any DBMS supported by the ORM framework (OpenJPA). Follow the steps below:

  • Specify the type of database in the form of an arbitrary code in the cuba.dbmsType property. The code must be different from those used in the platform: hsql, postgres, mssql, oracle.

  • Implement the DbmsFeatures, SequenceSupport, DbTypeConverter interfaces by classes with the following names: TypeDbmsFeatures, TypeSequenceSupport, and TypeDbTypeConverter, respectively, where Type is the DBMS type code. The package of the implementation class must be the same as of the interface.

  • If the project includes the workflow base project, override the CubaJbpmSpringHelper bean and its getHibernateDialectName() method to select the Hibernate dialect that will be used in jBPM.

  • Create database init and update scripts in the directories marked with the DBMS type code. Init scripts must create all database objects required by the platform entities (you can copy them from the existing 10-cuba, etc. directories and modify for your database).

  • To create and update the database by Gradle tasks, you need to specify the additional parameters for these tasks in build.gradle:

    task createDb(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDbCreation) {
        dbms = 'my'                                            // DBMS code
        driver = 'net.my.jdbc.Driver'                          // JDBC driver class
        dbUrl = 'jdbc:my:myserver://'        // Database URL
        masterUrl = 'jdbc:my:myserver://'  // URL of a master DB to connect to for creating the application DB
        dropDbSql = 'drop database mydb;'                      // Drop database statement
        createDbSql = 'create database mydb;'                  // Create database statement
        timeStampType = 'datetime'                             // Date and time datatype - needed for SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table creation
        dbUser = 'sa'
        dbPassword = 'saPass1'
    task updateDb(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDbUpdate) {
        dbms = 'my'                                            // DBMS code
        driver = 'net.my.jdbc.Driver'                          // JDBC driver class
        dbUrl = 'jdbc:my:myserver://'        // Database URL
        dbUser = 'sa'
        dbPassword = 'saPass1'