5.1. Recommended Code Style

Code Formatting

  • For Java and Groovy code, it is recommended to follow the standard style described in Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. When programming in IntelliJ IDEA, you can just use the default style and Ctrl-Alt-L shortcut for formatting.

    The maximum line length is 120 characters. The indentation is 4 characters; using spaces instead of tabs is enabled.

  • XML code: indentation is 4 characters; using spaces instead of tabs is enabled.

Naming Conventions

Identifier Naming Rule Example
Java and Groovy classes
Screen controller class


Browse screen controller − {EntityClass}Browse

Edit screen controller − {EntityClass}Edit.



XML screen descriptors
Component identifier, parameter names in queries

lowerCamelCase, only letters and numbers.




Datasource identifier

lowerCamelCase, only letters and numbers ending with Ds.

SQL scripts
Reserved words lowercase create table
Tables UPPER_CASE. The name is preceded by the project name to form a namespace. It is recommended to use singular form in table names.





Foreign key columns UPPER_CASE. Consists of the table referred by the column (without the project prefix) and the _ID suffix. CUSTOMER_ID
Indexes UPPER_CASE. Consists of the IDX_ prefix, name of the table that the index is created for (with the project prefix) and names of the fields included in the index. IDX_SALES_CUSTOMER_NAME