Basic Features
The platform is based on Java and thus supports almost all operating systems for servers and workstations
Completely open source
DBMS specifics independent
Platform-based applications can be easily deployed in a fail-over configuration
Efficient tools for user interface development using plain Java and XML
Powerful access control means, which can be configured at runtime from the application UI
A built-in Office and PDF reports generator (See Report Generator manual)
The facility to create and execute business processes including an integrated visual process designer (See Workflow manual)
Full-text search within entity attributes and file attachments (See Full Text Search manual)
Charts and maps (See Displaying Charts And Maps manual)
Built-in REST API with support for data exchange in XML or JSON for rapid integration with third-party applications
Extensions support enabling off-the-shelf software customization for individual customers while retaining seamless product version upgrade
CUBA Studio – a tool for rapid development of platform-based applications. Studio provides visual tools for creating, designing and editing the project data model, screens and other elements. Using Studio does not restrict development using standard Java IDE, but rather helps to achieve maximum efficiency when working on a project using both tools:
Studio is used for quick startup of the project, as well as visual design of the data model and UI screens layout
Java IDE is used for the implementation of business logic and UI events handling
CUBA Studio is integrated with IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse enabling quickly switching between Studio and the IDE.
CUBA Platform Benefits
Solutions built on the platform benefit from the efficient architecture, tried and tested on a number of applications created by Haulmont and other developers
Declarative approach to user interface design provides the following advantages:
abstracts the developer from the specifics of diverse technologies (HTML / JavaScript, Swing, etc.)
clearly separates visual layout from initialization and event handling logic, making it easier to read and modify the code
Application screens are equally functional in both Web and Desktop clients.
The platform provides ready functionality on the following levels:
System level
Infrastructure and means of implementing business logic on the middleware tier
Visual components library and client tier infrastructure
Tools for managing configuration parameters and localized messages
Support for running background tasks from the user interface
Support for running scheduled tasks on the Middleware
Support for dynamic attributes allowing adding new attributes to entities at runtime
Application level
Security subsystem
Reports generator
Workflow subsystem
Full-text search
Reliable asynchronous email sending facility
Full audit of entity changes and tools for entity version snapshots storage
Deployment level
Support for running applications in fail-over configuration
Extensions support, enabling adapting off-the-shelf products to individual customer needs
Platform functionality significantly reduces project development time and cost, as well as associated technological risks
CUBA-based web applications development does not require knowledge of the traditional web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.