
LookupAction – action with lookup identifier, intended for selecting an entity instance and setting it as the component's value. When triggered, it opens an entities lookup screen.

The following specific methods are defined in the LookupAction class:

  • setLookupScreenOpenType() allows you to specify entity selection screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

  • setLookupScreenDialogParams() allows you to set the window properties for a lookup screen that is opened in the DIALOG mode (see previous method). Other modes are not affected.

  • setLookupScreen() allows you to specify entity selection screen identifier. {entity_name}.lookup by default, for example, sales$Customer.lookup. If such screen does not exist, attempts to open {entity_name}.browse screen, for example, sales$Customer.browse.

  • setLookupScreenParams() allows you to set selection screen parameters, passed into its init() method.

  • afterSelect() is invoked by the action after the selected instance is set as the component's value. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden.

  • afterCloseLookup() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the lookup screen regardless of whether an instance has been selected or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden.