
Messages interface provides methods to get localized message strings.

Let us consider interface methods in detail.

  • getMessage() – returns the localized message by key, pack name and required locale. There are several modifications of this method with different sets of parameters. If locale is not specified in the method parameter, the current user locale is used.


    protected Messages messages;
    String message1 = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "someMessage");
    String message2 = messages.getMessage("com.abc.sales.web.customer", "someMessage");
    String message3 = messages.getMessage(RoleType.STANDARD);

  • formatMessage() – retrieves a localized message by key, pack name and required locale, then uses it to format the input parameters. The format is defined according to String.format() method rules. There are several modifications of this method with different sets of parameters. If locale is not specified in the method parameter, the current user locale is used.


    String formattedValue = messages.formatMessage(getClass(), "someFormat", someValue);

  • getMainMessage() – returns the localized message from the main message pack of the application block.


    protected Messages messages = AppBeans.get(Messages.class);

  • getMainMessagePack() – returns the name of the main message pack of the application block.


    String formattedValue = messages.formatMessage(messages.getMainMessagePack(), "someFormat", someValue);

  • getTools() – returns MessageTools interface instance (see below).