4.1.2. Application Modules

A module is the smallest structural part of CUBA application. It is a single module of application project and the corresponding JAR file with executable code.

Standard modules:

  • global – includes entity classes, service interfaces, and other classes common for all tiers. It is used in all application blocks.

  • core – implements services and all other components of the middle tier. It is used only in Middleware.

  • gui – common components of the generic user interface. It is used in Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • web – the implementation of generic user interface based on Vaadin and other specific web client classes. It is used in Web Client block.

  • desktop – an optional module – implementation of generic user interface based on Java Swing, as well as other specific desktop client classes. It is used in Desktop Client block.

  • portal – an optional module – implementation of Web portal based on Spring MVC.

Figure 4.2. Application Modules

Application Modules