Using Configuration Interfaces

Do the following to create a configuration interface:

  • Create an interface inherited from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.Config (not to be confused with the entity class com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Config).

  • Add @Source annotation to the interface in order to identify the source (storing method) for parameters:

    • SourceType.SYSTEM – the property value will be taken from the system properties of the given JVM, using System.getProperty() method.

    • SourceType.APP – the property value will be taken from app.properties files.

    • SourceType.DATABASE – the property value will be taken from SYS_CONFIG table.

  • Create property access methods (getters / setters). If the property value is not expected to be changed at runtime, setter is not needed. Possible property types are described below.

  • Add @Property annotation defining the property name to getter.

  • You can optionally set @Source annotation for a particular property of the interface if its source differs from the interface source.


@Source(type = SourceType.DATABASE)
public interface SalesConfig extends Config {

    String getCompanyName();

There is no need to create implementation class for the configuration interface as required proxy will be automatically created.