
SplitPanel − a container divided into two areas, its horizontal or vertical size can be adjusted by moving the separator.

Component XML-name: split.

An example description of a split panel in a screen XML-descriptor:

<split orientation="horizontal" pos="30" width="100%" height="100%">
    <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" caption="Date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs" caption="Customer"/>
    <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" caption="Amount"/>

split container must contain two nested containers or components. They will be displayed astride the separator.

split attributes:

  • orientation – defines component orientation. horizontal – nested components are aligned horizontally, vertical – they are aligned vertically.

  • pos – an integer number defining percentage of the first component area compared to the second one. For example, pos="30" means that the areas ration is 30/70. By default the areas are divided 50/50.

All attributes of split:

id pos    
height width    