The mechanism of presentations allows users to manage component display settings.
Saving presentations using their unique names
Editing and removing presentations
Fast switching between presentations
Setting up a default presentation, which will be applied when a screen with a component opens
Auto saving for security controls in an active presentation
Global presentations, which can be accessed by any system user
Classes and Interfaces
In order to use presentations, a component class should implement a com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.HasPresentations
interface. In the platform, these components are:
− POJO presentation object.
contains a list of component's presentations and a set of methods to work with them. Main methods:
− returns current presentation ornull
, if presentation is not defined -
setCurrent(Presentation p)
− sets an active presentation -
getSettings(Presentation p)
− returns an XML-element with display settings for the current presentation -
setSettings(Presentation p, Element e)
− modifies display settings for the specified presentation -
getPresentation(Object id)
− returns a presentation based on its identifier -
− returns a list of presentations identifiers for the given component -
− saves presentations to the database
− element implementation Presentations
− a listener interface tracking presentation changes.
In order to create, change or remove global presentations, user should have rights to More details are available in the CUBA Platform Manual. Security Subsystem.