
BoxLayout is a container with sequential placement of components.

There are three types of BoxLayout, identified by the XML-elements:

  • hbox − components are placed horizontally.

    <hbox spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>
  • vbox − components are placed vertically. vbox has 100% width by default.

    <vbox spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>
  • flowBox − components are placed horizontally with line wrapping. If there is not enough space in a line, the components that do not fit will be displayed in the next line (the behavior is similar to Swing FlowLayout).

    <flowBox spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>

The following XML-attributes can be used in the hbox, vbox, flowBox elements: