External Filter Control Parameters

System-wide parameters

The following application properties affect filter behavior:

Screen invocation parameters

It is possible to specify the filter and parameters which should be applied when the screen is opened. For this purpose, the filter should be created in advance, stored in the database, and a corresponding entry in the SEC_FILTER table should have the CODE field set.

To specify a filter code, pass to the screen a parameter with the same name as filter component identifier in this screen . Parameter value should be the code of the filter, which should be set and applied.

To set filter parameter values, passed to the screen parameters with the names equal to parameter names and their values in string format.

An example of main menu item descriptor is shown below. It sets a filter with the FilterByVIN code to the carsFilter component of the sample$Car.browse screen which it opens. It also sets TMA value to the $carsFilter.vin79216 condition:

<item id="sample$Car.browse">
    <param name="carsFilter" value="FilterByVIN"/>
    <param name="component$carsFilter.vin79216" value="TMA"/>

It should be noted that that a filter with a defined CODE field has some specifics:

  • It cannot be edited by users.

  • This filter name can be displayed in several languages. To achieve this, specify a string with key equal to the filter code in the application main message pack.