Sending Methods

To send an email, the EmailerAPI bean should be used at the Middleware, and the EmailService service – at the client tier.

The basic methods of these components are described below:

  • sendEmail() – synchronous message sending. The calling code is blocked while sending the message to the SMTP server.

    The message can be transmitted in the form of a set of parameters (the comma-separated list of recipients, subject, content, array of attachments), and in the form of a special EmailInfo object, which encapsulates all this information and allows you to explicitly set the sender’s address and to form the message body using a FreeMarker template.

    EmailException may be thrown during synchronous sending, containing the information on the recipient addresses, where delivery has failed, and the corresponding error messages.

    During the execution of the SendingMessage method, an entity instance is created in the database for each recipient with the initial SendingStatus.SENDING status, and SendingStatus.SENT after successful sending. In case of a message sending error, the message status changes to SendingStatus.NOTSENT.

  • sendEmailAsync() – asynchronous message sending. This method returns the list (by number of recipients) of SendingMessage instances in SendingStatus.QUEUE status, which were created in the database. The actual sending is performed with the subsequent call of the EmailManagerAPI.queueEmailsToSend() method, which should be invoked from a scheduled task with desired frequency.