
Label is a text component that displays static text or value of entity attribute.

XML name of the component: label

The Label component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

Below is an example of setting a label with text taken from the localized message pack:

<label value="msg://orders"/>

The value attribute sets text for a label.

In a web client, the text contained in value will be split into multiple lines if its length exceeds the width value. Therefore, to display a multiline label, it is sufficient to specify an absolute value of width. If the label text is too long and the value of width is not specified, the text will be truncated.

<label value="Label, which should be split into multiple lines"

You can set label parameters in the screen controller. To do this, you should specify a component identifier to get a reference to it in the controller:

<label id="dynamicLabel"/>

private Label dynamicLabel;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    dynamicLabel.setValue("Some value");

The Label component can display value of an entity attribute. For this purpose, datasource and property attributes are used. For example:

    <datasource id="customerDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Customer" view="_local"/>
    <label datasource="customerDs" property="name"/>

In the example above, component displays the name attribute of the Customer entity located in the customerDs data source.

htmlEnabled attribute indicates the way the value attribute will be interpreted: if htmlEnabled="true", the attribute will be treated as HTML code, otherwise as string. Note that the desktop implementation of the screen will not support all html tags.

label attributes:

label elements: