4.7.15. Information about Software Components

The platform provides an ability to register the information about third party software components used in the application (credits) and to display this information in the UI. The information includes a software component name, a website link and the license text.

Base projects of the platform contain their own files with descriptions, like cuba-credits.xml, reports-credits.xml. The cuba.creditsConfig application property can be used to define a list of application-specific description files depending on the base project used in the application.

The structure of the credits.xml file is as follows:

  • The items element lists the used libraries with license texts included either as an embedded license element, or as a license attribute with a link to the text in the licenses section.

    It is possible to reference licenses declared in the current file as well as any other file declared in cuba.creditsConfig variable prior to the current one.

  • The licenses element lists the texts of general licenses used (e.g. LGPL).

The entire list of third-party software components can be displayed using the com/haulmont/cuba/gui/app/core/credits/credits-frame.xml frame, which loads the information from the files defined in the cuba.creditsConfig property. An example of a frame within a screen:

<layout expand="creditsBox">
  <groupBox id="creditsBox"
      <iframe id="credits"

If the modal mode (WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG) is used to open the screen that contains the frame, the height must be specified; otherwise, the scrolling may not work correctly. The height can be set within the screen controller displaying the frame:

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {