7.2.2. Creating Local Administrators

The hierarchical structure of access groups combined with the constraints inheritance allows creating local administrators, by delegating creation and configuration of users and their rights under organization departments.

The local administrators have access to the security subsystem screens; however they only see the users and groups in their access group and below. Local administrators can create subgroups and users and assign roles available in the system, however they will have at least the same constraints as the administrator who created them.

The global administrator in the root access group should create the roles that will be available to the local administrators for assigning to the users. The local administrators should not be able to create and update the roles.

An example access group structure is presented below:


  • The users under the Departments group should only see the users of their own group and the groups below.

  • Each subgroup – Dept 1, Dept 2, etc. should have its own administrator, who can create users and assign them the available roles.


  • Add the following constraints for the Departments group:

    • For the sec$Group entity:

      {E}.id in (
        select h.group.id from sec$GroupHierarchy h
        where h.group.id = :session$userGroupId or h.parent.id = :session$userGroupId

      With this constraint, the users will not be able to see the groups higher than their own.

    • For the sec$User entity:

      {E}.group.id in (
        select h.group.id from sec$GroupHierarchy h
        where h.group.id = :session$userGroupId or h.parent.id = :session$userGroupId

      With this constraint, the users will not be able to see the users in groups higher than their own.

    • For the sec$User entity:

      ({E}.description is null or {E}.description not like '[hide]')

      With this constraint, the users will not be able to view the roles that have the [hide] string in the description attribute.

  • Create a role that denies editing roles and permissions:

    • Select the Default role checkbox:

    • Add the [hide] string to the Description field.

    • In the Entities tab, deny create, update and delete operations for the sec$Role and sec$Permission entities (to add permissions for the sec$Permission object, select the System level checkbox).

    All created users, including the local administrators, will get the local_user role. This role is invisible to the users in the Departments group, so even the local administrators are unable to unassign this role from themselves. Local administrators can only operate on the existing roles that have been created for them by the global administrator. Obviously, the roles available to department users should not remove restrictions imposed by the local_user role.