4.4.2. System Authentication

When executing user requests, the Middleware program code always has access to the information on the current user via the UserSessionSource interface. This is possible because the corresponding SecurityContext object is automatically set for the current thread when a request is received from the client tier.

However, there are situations when the current thread is not associated with any system user, for example, when calling a bean’s method from the scheduler, or via the JMX interface. In case the bean modifies entities in the database, it will require information on who is making changes, i.e., authentication.

This kind of authentication is called “system authentication” as it requires no user participation – the application middle layer simply creates or uses an existing user session and sets the corresponding SecurityContext object for the current thread.

The following methods can be used to provide the system authentication for a code block:

  • Make use of the com.haulmont.cuba.security.app.Authentication bean:

    protected Authentication authentication;
    try {
        // authenticated code
    } finally {

  • Add the @Authenticated annotation to the bean method:

    public String foo(String value) {
        // authenticated code

The second case uses the Authentication bean implicitly, via the AuthenticationInterceptor object, which intercepts calls of all bean methods with the @Authenticated annotation.

In the examples above, the user session will be created on behalf of the user, whose login is specified in the cuba.jmxUserLogin application property. If authentication on behalf of another user is required, pass the login of the desired user to the begin() method of the first variant.

If current thread has an active user session assigned at the time of Authentication.begin() execution, it will not be replaced. Therefore the code will be executed with the existing session and the subsequent call to the end() method will not clear the thread.

For example, if a bean is in the same JVM as the Web Client block, to which the user is currently connected, the call of the JMX bean method from the Web Client built-in JMX console will be executed on behalf of the currently logged in user, regardless of the system authentication.