The LookupPickerField
component enables to display an entity instance in a text field, select an instance in a drop-down list and perform actions
by pressing buttons on the right.
XML name of the component: lookupPickerField
The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.
In fact LookupPickerField
is a hybrid of LookupField and PickerField. Thus it has the same features except the default list of actions added when determining the component in XML: for LookupPickerField
these are lookup
and open
Below is an example of using LookupPickerField
to select a value of the colour
reference attribute of the Car
<dsContext> <datasource id="carDs" class="" view="_local"/> <collectionDatasource id="coloursDs" class="" view="_local"> <query>select c from sample$Colour c</query> </collectionDatasource> </dsContext> <layout> <lookupPickerField datasource="carDs" property="colour" optionsDatasource="coloursDs"/>
align | caption | captionProperty | datasource | description | editable | enable | filterMode | height | id | inputPrompt | metaClass | nullName | optionsDatasource | property | required | requiredMessage | stylename | visible | width