Connecting with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition offers convenient tools for working with databases. To connect to HSQLDB, start IDEA and open the Database panel on the right.

If you cannot find the panel, open View -> Tool Windows -> Database.

Create a new data source using the context menu.

Figure 5.11. 

In the appeared window select the hsqldb-x.x.x.jar driver that you downloaded from HSQLDB website in advance. If you are using Hyper SQL only for CUBA development, you can just add the driver supplied as part of CUBA Studio (it is located in the lib subfolder).

Figure 5.12. 

Figure 5.13. 

Then you should configure data source properties: database URL, username and password. Database URL can be copied from the Project properties properties tab in CUBA Studio or the modules/core/web/META-INF/context.xml project file. The default username is “sa”, the password is empty.

Figure 5.14. 

If you are using PostgreSQL as the DBMS and uuid as the identifier, editing data with IDEA may result in an error: ERROR: operator does not exist: uuid = character varying

To solve this problem, go to the Advanced tab in the data source settings and set stringtype to unspecified.

Figure 5.15.