A reference to the bean can be obtained through injection or through the AppBeans
class. As an example of using the bean, let us look at the implementation of the OrderService
bean that delegates the execution to the OrderWorker
package com.sample.sales.core; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.Persistence; import com.sample.sales.entity.Order; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.inject.Inject; @Service(OrderService.NAME) public class OrderServiceBean implements OrderService { @Inject protected Persistence persistence; @Inject protected OrderWorker orderWorker; @Transactional @Override public BigDecimal calculateTotals(Order order) { Order entity = persistence.getEntityManager().merge(order); orderWorker.calculateTotals(entity); } }
In this example, the service starts a transaction, places the entity instance obtained from the client level into the persistent context, and passes the control to the OrderWorker
bean, which contains the main business logic.