Entity Editing Locks

Pessimistic locking should be used when there is a high probability of simultaneous editing of a single entity instance. In such cases the standard optimistic locking, based on entity versioning, usually creates too many collisions.

Pessimistic locking explicitly locks an entity instance when it is opened in the editor. As a result, only one user can edit this particular entity instance in a given moment of time.

Pessimistic locking mode can be enabled for any entity class on application development or production stage using Administration > Locks > Setup screen, or manually:

  • Insert a new record with the following field values into the SYS_LOCK_CONFIG table with the following field values:

    • ID – an arbitrary UUID-type identifier.

    • NAME – the name of the object to be locked. For an entity, it should be the name of its meta class.

    • TIMEOUT_SEC – lock expiration timeout in seconds..


    insert into sys_lock_config (id, create_ts, name, timeout_sec) values (newid(), current_timestamp, 'sales$Order', 300)
  • Restart the server or call reloadConfiguration() method of the app-core.cuba:type=LockManager JMX bean.